GOLD Speakers


Gauri Abbi Lowe, MBChB

  • Country: India

Gauri Lowe is a medical doctor (University of Cape Town, South Africa) and spent several years after that working in rotations and then focusing in obstetric and gynaecology wards in government hospitals around Western Cape. Then she worked with a homebirth midwife in Cape Town and has been doing homebirths while in India too.  Since the homebirth of her son during medical school her focus has become practicing and teaching a Sacred model of birth.She was a co-founder of the Complementary Medical Association at medical school; co-founder and speaker at the Midwifery and Birth Conference in Cape Town, South Africa and written articles for Midwifery Today as well as having an active blog page dedicated to spreading a Sacred model of birth. She is also studying botanical medicine for women’s health with Aviva Romm. Presently she does online holistic women's health and pregnancy consultations and is developing workshops to teach a Sacred Model of Birth to birth practitioners.