Presentation Information

Augustine Colebrook

Defensive Charting for Community-Based Midwives

  • Speaker: Augustine Colebrook , MA, MCHS
  • Presentation Type:
  • Duration: 60 Mins
  • Credits: 1 ACM CPD, 1 ACNM CEU, 0.1 Midwifery CEU

The rapid development and attempts at standardization and professionalization of the modern version of midwifery in the U.S. has created debate and tension about what, exactly, should be contained within the internationally recommended 3-year midwife training. Competencies in clinical judgment, intuition, multi-tasking, delegating, and other higher-order professional skills, hallmarks of modern midwifery, take longer to develop than just technical excellence. Midwives in my parts of the world are targeted during and after providing care by the dominate for-profit medical model. However, despite all this, charting defensively is not an integral part of midwifery training across the globe, most charting is not standardized therefore putting midwives at risk. Thus, increasing malpractice costs, and decreasing access to midwives is the result. Not having a context for charting, makes midwives vulnerable to litigation. Not good for the midwife, not good for the community. This presentation about defensive charting aims to bridge the gap by starting a conversation around honing critical thinking pathways, sharpening charting skills and debunking charting myths, optimizing charting habits, shared decision-making and tips to protect yourself during and after poor outcomes. Access the tools to close existing gaps in charting, acknowledge cultural incompetency, political reality, and design in-office systems of strength and confidence for the future.

Live Presentation Schedule

Feb 14, 2022