GOLD Speakers

United States

Susan Weed, Author

  • Country: United States

To fully support their clients’ health throughout gestation, birth, and nursing, midwives need to know about herbs. Not a lot; in fact, what most midwives need to know can be learned in few hours. Wise use of herbs is especially important during pregnancy and lactation. Using herbs instead of drugs to allay problems protects both mom and fetus from harm. Even more importantly, the abundant nutrition available from select herbs – like stinging nettle, oatstraw, comfrey leaf, and red clover blossoms–has a much more profound influence on maternal health than any supplement and can make the difference between an easy birth and a complicated one. Herbal medicine is simple, safe, and effective at all times in a woman’s life, including during her childbearing years. Here are the things I think it most important that a midwife know about herbs and herbal medicine.

2018 Presentation Topic(s):