GOLD Speakers


Martina Donaghy, RM, IBCLC, BSc, MSc

  • Country: UK
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Martina Donaghy is a registered midwife of 30 years, an IBCLC of 22 years and a Senior Midwifery Lecturer of 17 years’ experience. During the past two decades her main posts as a hospital based Infant Feeding Specialist and a Midwifery Lecturer has seen a focus on educating registered midwives, student nurses, midwives, paediatric and Specialist Community Public Health nurses on the importance of breastmilk and breastfeeding, ensuring these students are equipped to support the breastfeeding mother in achieving her feeding goals. Martina has led and supported her university to achieve successful UNICEF UK Baby Friendly accreditation for the BSc Midwifery and Specialist Community Public Health Nursing programmes. She also teaches on the Midwifery Master’s program specialising in the promotion and support of physiological birth, breastfeeding, biological nurturing, and maternal, infant attachment. Recent publications include a chapter in Examination of the newborn and neonatal health, titled Helping parents make decisions regards to infant feeding and cosleeping. Her most recent midwifery article focused on supporting maternal and infant physiology after birth. She is originally from Australia and has resided in the United Kingdom for 30 plus years.