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Presentation Information

Robin Lim

Birth in the Era of Climate Change: Lessons learned in the Epicenter of Disasters

  • Speaker: Robin Lim , CPM
  • Presentation Type:
  • Duration: 75 Mins
  • Credits: 1.25 CERP, 1.25 ACM CPD, 1.25 ACNM CEU, .1 Midwifery CEU

We want Midwives to be informed of their essential role in the survival and rebuilding of communities who face disasters. Globally the surface temperature is increasing. As our Oceans warm, storms are getting bigger, and more frequent. Drought, heat waves, cyclones, unpredictable precipitation and snow, famine, strife, plus earthquakes (fueled by Global Warming, the Earth’s crust is on the move). Today on Earth there are five times as many disasters as there were in the 1970s. According to the World Meteorological Organization Statement on the Status of Global Climate in 2015: "The warming trend and an increasing number of disasters are expected to continue for several decades.”

Experience bringing Midwife-to-Mother care to parts of the planet devastated by disaster has taught me that traumatized communities NEED their midwives. When people suddenly are left homeless, hungry and thirsty, when hospitals and health centers are razed and roads impassible, pregnant women must still have their babies. In addition, Globally, it is the midwives who are trusted as the first go-to medics, when a child is hurt or an elder is ill. In the Samatiga area of Aceh there were 154 midwives before the 9.3 earthquake and tsunami in 2004. Afterwards, there were 32 midwives left alive. These women, also homeless, grieving their dead, without food, water, light or medicines, were the first to respond to the sorrow, suffering and trauma of the people. Attending this session has the potential to help Midwives be more prepared for their role, should disasters continue to strike.

Live Presentation Schedule

Feb 20, 2017