Presentation Information

Avril Bowens

Move It! Get the Shoulders Unstuck!

  • Speaker: Avril Bowens , RN, CPM
  • Presentation Type:
  • Duration: 90 Mins
  • Credits: 1.5 ACM CPD, 1.5 ACNM CEU, 0.15 Midwifery CEU

Shoulder dystocia remains one of the most feared obstetrical emergencies in and out of the hospital, for good reason, it can be scary, is notoriously difficult to predict and can lead to further complications in both mother and baby. Thankfully, there are simple and effective techniques that can be employed and adapted to any environment which safely resolve the issue, much of the time. The single most important predictor of a favorable outcome is a practitioner who is alert to the signs of shoulder dystocia, well prepared to manage one and aware of how to help prevent neonatal injuries in the process. Therefore, a thorough understanding of the pathophysiology and mechanisms of action used to resolve impacted shoulders is imperative along with a team that communicates effectively and is able to manage the associated complications. Move it! Get the Shoulders Unstuck! offers a clear, up-to-date review of prevention, early recognition and responsive, effective management to resolve shoulder dystocia. Come join us on this journey through this sticky complication, one that will hopefully alleviate your fears and provide you with the skills you need to calmly disimpact the shoulders while keeping the baby safe and improve maternal and fetal outcomes.